September 29, 2011

And the winner is....

Today is the happy announcement for the winner of Speckled Frog Crochet Pattern Giveaway
I received a total of 6 comments for the giveaway, and since the last person had the 2 last posts, I used a random number generator and stablished the limits 1-5. Hope that makes sense. What I mean is that the last person only got one entry for the giveaway with her first comment.
Soooooooooo, the Lucky Winner is:::::


I'm off to send your email address to Speckled Frog, along with the pattern you picked so she can email it to you!

Thank you to everyone that participated in this giveaway!! it was fun!


In my previous post, where I was confused that so many people had read the giveaway post but so few commented to enter, I had some comments telling me that the steps that needed to be completed to enter the giveaway where long and confusing. And I'm pretty sure that a lot more people felt that way, even when they didn't leave a comment.
I'm really sorry that was the case and I wanted to make a note on that. The only step I put for the giveaway was the first one, in which I asked you to friend my blog (which I regret because it really conflicts me as I think a person should friend and follow your blog because they want to and they find what you share in it interesting, and not because you ask them to follow you as a condition for something you are going to giveaway... after all, a giveaway is something from the heart, isn't it?)

The rest of the steps came to me as they where by the owner of the giveaway... since this time I was only a host for it, I wasn't able to change the rules.

I'm sorry that those of you that regularly follow my blog felt this was tedious and not fun... that was never my goal!!!

Until next time!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for this giveaway! The pattern is beautiful and I can't wait to try it!


Thank you for taking the time to leave a lovely comment!