December 10, 2010


Isn't it wonderful that sometimes is the simplest things that get us all happy and heart skippy????

I'm happy, oh yes I am!
Sky is blue, snow is kind of melting away (although tomorrow will snow again). Temperature is not cold to die for... aaaaand..... I have a batch of 12 muffins in the oven... 12 chocolate chip muffins!!! made from scratch!!!
Appologies for my enthusiasm above this simple thing... but it's my first batch of muffins from scratch!!! remember I made some out of a box? I was equally excited, and now they are from scratch which adds some more charm to the whole thing...

Any way, I have to run... more happyness to spread around!!!

Here some pics of our winterys scenes...

 I absolutely LOOOOVE this trees ::::

 Caramel Latte!!

 MG made snow angels... out first time!
 and a delicious christmassy cupcake that MG bought for me!
See you soon!!!

1 comment:

  1. Very lovely photos and your happiness is so catching...thanks!


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