August 15, 2011

I got an Award!!!!

Hello guys!!!

I'm excited and honored to share with you that Deirdra at A Storybook World has given Wires and Yarns a Creative Blog Award!!!

Thanks Deirdra!!!!

See you soon!

August 04, 2011

Knitting a hat...

Hello guys!!!

I hope you all are having a great day!!! My day here is beautiful and not so hot, it is very hot, but not extremly hot... And I totally love to have the sun out!

Yesterday I started a knitted hat... I haven't done any knitting since May, when I finished my Rosa's Sleeveles Tunic... There has been a lot of crochetting in this time thou. And I'm in the middle of some crochet projects, but I decided to knit a hat because in 3 weeks MG and I will be traveling to Mexico!!!! I'm so so so so so SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited!!!! it will be our first time together there in 3 years, he hasn't been there since our wedding and I think is absolutely great that he'll go with me this time...

Anyway..... on the 22th (of August) my grandma will have her 91st Birthday!!! so I'll make her a nice and comfy hat for the rainy and cold days...
I am using Cascade Eco Duo yarn... and let me tell you::: is a dream!
It is 70% Baby Alpaca and 30% Merino Wool... it is undyed, so it comes in about 4 or 5 natural colors and it's super pretty, warm and SOFT!!!!

Here's what I've done so far...
The colors are a little bit darker in real life...
I'm so very happy so far!

See you soon!

August 03, 2011

A new yarn shop...

The opening came... it has been a very busy week at the shop... I've learned tons about yarns and several different manufacturers and such.

I'm really happy!

As a picture worth more than a thousand words... (is that the way to say it?)

See you soon!

August 02, 2011


I'm still here...

The yarn shop is on and runing... its amazing!!!

I have a cold and not feeling very good, I'm off to the couch and I'll tell you about it another time...


Hope to see you soon,