March 02, 2011

Birthday Cake...

I got MG's camera yesterday but he forgot to give me the cable to pass the photos to the computer, so it had to wait until today.

But here we are!!! back on track with color!!!! yei!!!!
This is will be my first post of this catch up serie... So lets start, shall we?
Hello!!! I hope you all are having a wonderful day!
Here the sky is blue and shiny and that makes me feel happy and cheerful... I'm done with dark muted days and I can't wait for the spring!!!

Yesterday was MG's Birthday... he's 34!
On Monday I made a cake for him... I've asked him what kind of cake he would like and he chose a Tres Leches Cake (you can see my recipe in the link) that is a Mexican cake type in which you make a mix of 3 different types of milk and add them to the cake until is soaky and all milky and moist... it's delicious!!!

The cake was a dissaster........ and a total success!!!
It was a dissaster because I had made 2 cakes, top and bottom, because I wanted to add a whip cream and strawberries filling... So I was adding the milks mixture to the cakes, equally to the top and bottom part, and the top part started to crack! so I finished the milks addition and rush to prepare the whipped cream and cut the strawberries... I put the filling in place, looked great, and went on to flip the top cake to put it on top of the filling.... well, that didn't come out very good.....

The cake fall apart in my hands!!!! there were wet crumbles all over the place, most of it on top of the bottom part of the cake that had the filling, but some of it over the counter and a little bit got all the way to the floor!!!!!
I almost cried!!!
I didn't had time (or willing power) to make another one and I didn't wanted to put that one in the trash! so I decided to pack all the crumbles with my hands in my best of doing it cake shaped...
And immediatly I proceed to cover it with the rest of the whipped cream...
Then I took out of the fridge a pipping bag with icing from a previous cake and wrote "Feliz CumpleaƱos Cielito" on top of it (that's Happy Birthday in spanish... and Cielito is how I call my dear MG), and put the cake in a box and in the fridge so it didn't melt or anything....

Here's the failure cake...
I think that looking it in that picture doesn't look THAT bad... and I must say that it was DELICIOUS!!!!!

And the absolute BEST part was that that night, when MG came home from work and opened the fridge he was surprised and happy with the cake... but after dinner when he took it out to cut a piece and opened the box and saw that it had writing on it, specially for him....

WOOOOOOW!!!!!!!!!!! he was speachless, super SUPER happy and overwhelmed and it totally worth all the dissaster!!!
Plus, he didn't really noticed anything, even when I told him about it and has been really happy enjoying his cake, and today he took 2 pieces to share with his friends at work!

So after all... my failure cake was a success!!!!

See you soon!

Don't forget to enter to my Giveaway!

1 comment:

  1. You did a great job of fixing the cake disaster, way to go!


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